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Script VB untuk kirim email menggunakan Microsoft Outlook
Sub Kirim_Pesan
Set OAPP = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set msg = OAPP.CreateItem(0)
msg.To = <e-mail tujuan>
msg.Subject = <judul email>
msg.Body = <isi pesan email>
msg.Attachments.Add (<path attachment>)
Set msg=Nothing
Set OAPP=Nothing
End Sub
NOTE: Komputer harus terinstall Microsoft Outlook :))
Sub Kirim_Pesan
Set OAPP = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set msg = OAPP.CreateItem(0)
msg.To = <e-mail tujuan>
msg.Subject = <judul email>
msg.Body = <isi pesan email>
msg.Attachments.Add (<path attachment>)
Set msg=Nothing
Set OAPP=Nothing
End Sub
NOTE: Komputer harus terinstall Microsoft Outlook :))
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3 Comment for "Send mail from Visual Basic"
jdi yng ini di copy kan code ny ke keylogger ya ..
ada yng di ganti ga dari SC yng ni buat di copykan
merah gooblok
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